In December 2023, we embarked upon an ambitious initiative to develop a comprehensive digital twin of the Frontier supercomputer. This twin includes: 3D asset modeling with virtual and augmented reality capabilities, telemetry data assimilation, AI/ML integration, simulations, and reinforcement learning for optimization. The goal was initially to develop four main modules:

  1. A transient simulation of the thermo-fluid cooling system from cooling tower to cold plate.
  2. A resource allocator and power simulator - which models workloads and resulting dynamic power, along with energy conversion losses.
  3. A visual analytics module consisting of both an augmented reality model based on Unreal Engine 5, and a web-based dashboard for launching experiments.
  4. A network digital twin to study dynamic network power and congestion.

Once we were able to model Frontier, we set out to generalize these modules as a generalized framework called ExaDigiT for modeling a variety of supercomputer architectures. This digital twin framework offers insights into operational strategies, “what-if” scenarios, as well as elucidates complex, cross-disciplinary transient behaviors. It also serves as a design tool for future system prototyping. Built on an open software stack (Modelica, SST Macro, Unreal Engine) with an aim to foster community-driven development, we have formed a partnership with supercomputer centers around the world to develop an open framework for modeling supercomputers. The source code and documentation is available here:

ExaDigiT Source Repositories

ExaDigiT Documentation

For more information, contact Wes Brewer at

Watch a 2-minute demo of ExaDigiT in action

Meetings / Events


  • Monthly Large Group Meeting: fourth Monday of each month, 9am ET.
    (Check for schedule and invite.)


  • High Performance Data-centre Digital Twins - Birds of a Feather - CUG-2024, Perth, WA, Australia (May 6th, 2024)


  • Initial Invitational Meeting: SC'23, Denver, CO, USA (Nov 15th, 2023)

Working Groups



Participating Organizations

Industry Partners